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FreeWalk, ⌐ 2001 Beiks, LLCRecommended product:
NetWalk ][ for PalmOS, ⌐ 1998-2001 Beiks LLC
It all starts with little girls walking through a forest, doesn't it?
Could be her grandmother, could be just that she's feeling like something sweet right now, but anyway, the fact is that the young Eileen is out in the forest looking for fruits. And, of course, the forest is not the regular kid (the one you hardly see in Texas, for example). The forest is instead surrounded by mist and magic. And full of creatures. Evil Gadolins are wandering around looking for small - or not so small - girls to have dinner with, if you see what I mean. In short, the perfect gaming scenario, which only needs a sure hand to direct a full play with at least 30 scenes and distant promises for maybe more.
Well....what do you say?
The playing scene is cut in rectangular blocks and one such block is missing. You can make any of its neighbor blocks (above, below, on the left or on the right) to move to the empty place by simply taping the desired block. This is very similar to a picture puzzle you have probably seen in the past. The difference is, you can move blocks even if there are moving actors on them.
At later stages of the game, you may encounter new elements, heroes and conditions. There is nothing that we consider of importance for you to know up-front beside the above said.
Oh, and another thing: FreeWalk is a game of patience. It will not remember its current status when you are leaving it. We have done that on purpose and we will not change it until we have a good reason to. Which may be soon.
FreeWalk is a shareware. We hope that if you like the game and play it you will register it.
The game you download and install may have certain limitations to encourage you doing so. The limitations may vary in different game releases. Most probably, the Hall Of Fame will not be available for unregistered players, but it is possible for other small features to be unavailable too. Registered customers have the additional benefit of receiving the updates free and updates are often source of new functionality. Refer to the online FreeWalk page for details on the most recent version.
You can get the full version for $8.00 on our website, PilotGear H.Q. or Handango. You will receive an unlocking code that will unleash the full potential of the game you have already installed.
FreeWalk will work only on devices running PalmOS 3.5 and above!
3/5/01 - v1.0: Initial version
Come and visit our website or mail us!
FreeWalk, NetWalk ][, Karate Master for PalmOS, PilotLines and BDicty are (c) 1998-2001 Beiks Ltd.
Palm Pilot and Palm are registered trademarks of 3Com Corp.
All other trademarks in the document belong to their registered owners.